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Emergency Tiller

Weather in the Aegean sea - Meltemi (Etesians)

By Thomas P.

During the winter period, over the Mediterranean basin, several low pressure systems are formed, that result in volatile and bad weather patterns, which are made even worse by the influence of this season's low temperatures.In contrast, during the summer, the distribution of the pressure systems in the Mediterranean is very different, smoother and relatively stable.

The eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea - as our area of interest – are almost permanently under the influence of two barometric systems.
A high pressure system (High) formed over the continental Europe and a low pressure system (Low) formed in the southeastern Mediterranean, over Cyprus and the Middle East.

These two barometric systems are almost firmly in place during the summer and their strength and location are barely changing.

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Weather in the Aegean sea – Meltemi (Etesians)
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